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XR Machines. Serious Equipment for Fun Fitness !

Both the XR Train and XR Fit Wall use proven electronic group exergaming solutions to motivate participants of all ages and abilities with real, multisensory, tactile, brain-body activities, not virtual reality. Participants experience the fun, social interaction, physical challenge and cognitive engagement of interactive fitness technology, each time improving results and making everyone want to come back for more!

XR Train


3 panels, comprised of high impact plastic, each with 7 targets made of 5 concentric circles of interactive, vibration responsive, LED targets, which flash on and off, or remain lit until touched. LED displays on the top of each panel show scores and time.  A single computerized Master Control Box with Program Selector buttons, which can also be operated by. remote control, permits countless games and activities to be set.


Basic Concept – Players randomly or sequentially hit moving lit targets with hands, feet, team equipment, beanbags, foam noodles, and playground, medicine or sports balls, working individually, or as teams, to achieve their best score.  Score accumulates with each new target hit, and how quickly targets are recognized.  


Two Modes - In Training Mode, each outside panel competes with the other, tracking results to measure progress and determine the highest scoring team – until the next game. In Performance mode, players and teams are simply trying to achieve their best score utilizing all three panels.


Advanced Functions – Levels in both programming modes are designe to progressively become more challenging with smaller targets or fewer individual targets. Targets and the score for each target, shrink in size as time progresses

XR Fit Wall


Using similar technology to the XR Train, the XR Fit Wall uses three dimensional touch sensitive shapes: sqaures, circles & triangles. Each shape is comprised of high impact plastic, containing a single, vibration responsive, LED target, which flash on and off, or remain lit until touched. A separate LED display can be positioned wherever most convenient to show score and time. The unit is operated completely by remote control, permiting countless games and activities to be set. 

The shapes can be configured in 9 or 18 shapes, spaced up to 13' apart, configured in any manner desired:  tightly and lower to the floor or at stations in a obstacle course fashion.  Great for all ages!

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